Located in the O Rexo Ecoespazo

The beginnings
In the year 2000, the Ramón González Ferreiro Foundation, in collaboration with the Council of Allariz, found that the depopulation of the rural environment, the decline in agricultural, livestock and forestry activity was encouraging the abandonment of traditionally worked surfaces in the region. The climatology and land conditions in Galicia favored the rapid proliferation of scrub, the appearance and spread of fires and the destruction of our landscape.
The cleaning
The proposal given this situation was the cleaning of these surfaces and their reuse for industrial, agricultural, livestock and forestry purposes. This is how new pastures emerge in the Valverde valley that the neighbors give up for grazing.
The farm
The Ramón González Ferreiro Foundation, in collaboration with the Council of Allariz, put all these ideas into practice, creating the Silvo-Pastoril School of O Rexo. A cheese farm with a flock of sheep from the Basque Country was installed on the grounds of O Rexo.
The sheep
Sheep of the Latxa breed, very well adapted to the harsh climatic conditions of the province. These animals produce the milk for the manufacture of a high-quality sheep's cheese, also providing economic income to keep the project active.
The experience
The experience of the Silvo-pastoral School gave way to other non-formal educational formats, such as the Environmental Education Center of O Rexo.
The management model
Over the years, the entity has actively collaborated in the implementation of new land management models and also in the recovery of abandoned rural land, some examples of success are: Como Cabras (producers of Touza Vella Goat Cheese) or the exploitation of Viana cows from coed
Revitalization of the countryside
The entity continues to collaborate in the generation, advice and exchange of experiences with those dynamizing initiatives in the Galician countryside.